When clicking on the given WP it takes you to the tasks done and activities implemented or in progress.

Lead: DOBA Fakulteta za uporabne poslovne in družbene študije Maribor (DOBA)

Planned tasks:

T1.1 Project management, meetings and management board (M1 – M36)
 T1.2 Regular reporting (M1-M36)
 T1.3 Partner contract development (M1-M2)
 T1.4 Study Visits (M2, M14, M20)


DEV 1.1 Project management and consortium meetings (LINK)

DEV 1.2 Periodical reports (LINK)

DEV 1.3 Consortium Agreement (LINK)

DEV 1.4 Project Management Handbook (LINK)

Lead: Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI)

Planned tasks:

T.2.1 Status-quo analysis on the national smart specialisation efforts within the quintuple helix innovation framework (AL, BiH, MNE, EU) (M2)
 T.2.2 Gap analysis showing the differences between the EU smart specialisation agendas and efforts and those of the target countries, and their understanding of and experiences with university-business collaboration (M3)
 T2.3 Consolidated report with recommendations (M4)


DEV 2.1 Knowledge Document, a consolidated report (LINK)

Lead: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)

Planned tasks:

T3.1 Training plans and materials

T3.2 Human capacity building training Call: Call for proposals 2022 — EAC/A09/2021 Erasmus+ Programme (2021/C 473/09) – ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021 65

T3.3 Internal workshops


DEV 3.1 Training plan and materials

DEV 3.2 Human Capacity building training

DEV 3.3 Internal workshops

Lead: Univerzitet U Istocnom Sarajevu/University of East Sarajevo (UES)

Planned tasks:

T4.1 Technical needs identification
T4.2 Equipment purchase
T4.3 Equipment setup and control (roll-out tests)


DEV 4.1 Adequate equipment for 7 SMART Innovation centres

Lead: Universitetit Te Vlores/University of VLORA (UNIVLORA)

Planned tasks:

T5.1 Integration of the innovation centres in the university structure (M10 – M12)

T5.2 Operation, business, marketing and sustainability plan and definition of the liaisons (M13-M19) T5.3 Operations of innovation centres (M20-M36)

DEV 5.1 7 Operational SMART Innovation centres

Planned tasks:

T6.1 Knowledge Exchange Network setup (M12-M13)

T6.2 Building network identity and knowledge exchange platform (M13-M15)

T6.3 Training sessions for non-partner universities and stakeholders (M17, M20, M21, M23, M26, M29 and M32)


DEV 6.1 SMART Ideas & Knowledge Network

DEV 6.2 raining for nonpartner universities and stakeholders

Lead Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)

Planned tasks:

T7. 1 Quality and ethics board set up (M1-M3)

T7.2 Develop quality plan and feedback mechanism (M3-M36)

T7.3 Contingency plan (M3-M4)


DEV 7.1 Quality Reports

DEV 7.2 Report on measurement of KPI in LFM

Lead: Univerzitet Donja Gorica Podgorica/University of Donja Gorica (UDG)

Planned tasks:

T8.1 Dissemination strategic plan (M1-M3 plan development & continuous dissemination until M36)

T8.2 Project identity development (M1-M4)

T8.3 Dissemination events (M28, M34)

T8.4 SMART Idea Contest (M28 – M34)

T8.5 Joint publication and good practices for smart specialisation solutions and initiatives (M25-M36)


DEV 8.1 Dissemination events

DEV 8.2 Smart Idea Student Contest

DEV 8.3 Joint Publication

DEV 8.4 Website

DEV 8.5 Dissemination plan

DEV 8.6 Sustainability plan

DEV 8.7 Memorandum of Understanding